Everything You Should Know About Acupuncture

If you have ever thought about setting up an acupuncture appointment, but you want more information, then you need to keep reading this article. There are many things you need to know concerning this field so that you’re well-educated when it comes to participating. Keep in mind the following advice. When you attend an acupuncturist, […]

Holidays and Food Intolerance

There is a lot of advice online about what foods to eat when you’re travelling abroad if you have a specific dietary requirement. This is all well and good if you follow that diet out of choice; however, for someone with an intolerance, it can often be an absolute nightmare. It often becomes a case […]

Easy Ways To Look Beautiful In No Time

Beauty’s main goal is improving upon one’s natural look. It doesn’t require lots of expensive products or hours of precious time to enhance your natural beauty. You can get started with the tips below. To protect your hair from heat damage, let it air dry as often as possible. The combined heat from the hair […]

Dieting on a Budget When Travelling

There are two things which sometimes feel hard to do on holiday or whilst travelling: dieting and eating on a budget. When faced with all manner of restaurants offering fried, roasted and indulgent dishes, it can feel like we are up against it calorie wise. It can also get very expensive to eat out every […]

Dont Settle With Okay Become More Beautiful

So, you want to try your hand at beauty, eh? Do you know anything about this activity? Do you know about all the different kinds of products that you can use? Do you know what entails a successful look? If these questions raise more questions than you can answer, try looking at the tips below. […]

A Holiday Keto Diet

The keto diet is something which many people claim they have difficulty following when they are on a break or a holiday. However, it’s only difficult if you want it to be. No matter where in the world you are, there are a plethora of Keto friendly foods in pretty much every region. Remember that […]

A Vegetarian Holiday

One of the best ways to ensure that holidays do not become an absolute dietary mess is to overdo the discipline in another way. If you are following a keto diet or low fat diet for example, look at eating only locally sourced and grown dishes, or as another option, try going vegetarian for your […]

Taking Your Diet on Holiday

Being on holiday whilst trying to maintain some sort of diet can sound like an absolute nightmare, and it is definitely true that following a healthy meal plan is difficult, not just because you are away from home, but because you are surrounded by all manner of amazing and different foods, especially when you are […]

The Whole 30 Diet

For most people, a diet is a lifelong choice, or at least a very long term one. But, oddly enough, there are a bunch of fads and craze based diets out there that some claim can make positive changes to your health and wellbeing. One of these is the ‘Whole 30’ diet, which is a […]


In recent years, the FODMAP diet (short for fermentable oligo-, di-, mono-saccharides and polyols) has gained popularity due to an increased knowledge of the effects of certain foods. In particular the diet is based around avoiding certain groups of carbs that are known to trigger issues for people with a sensitive gut, mainly due to […]