Facts About Food Safety

Food safety is of utmost importance as there are many things that can go wrong. There are also a lot of incorrect facts floating around about food safety, so it is important to know the truth. Here are a few important things to be aware of. 1. Some People Have More Risk of Food-Borne Illness […]

How A Caloric Surplus Can Help You Gain Muscle

If you’ve ever heard of the term ‘bulking’, it’s something that essentially means one of two things; either they are ‘dirty bulking’, whereby they eat anything and everything in order to build up a massive caloric surplus (and thereby give themselves an absolute ton of carbs to work with and quickly gain mass) or they […]

Cooking for Sunday Dinner

From as far back as I can remember there have been special church occasions when dinner on the church grounds was the order for the day. Far too many times I watched as person after person walked in with store purchased fried chicken. Whether the reason for this was lack of time, lack of planning, […]

How To Become a Male Bodybuilder

Being a bodybuilder is much more than having big muscles and being as strong as a beast. Entering the competitive world of professional male bodybuilding takes a lot of hard work and hours of killer workouts. If it doesn’t scare you and you’ve seriously decided you want to pose and show your well-muscled physique on […]

5 Tips Every Beginner Should Know When Starting Their Fitness Journey

Are you new to exercise? We know how intimidating it can be to set off for a fitness journey. But if you’ve decided to start working out, you’re already one step ahead of your previous self. Be proud of yourself and prepare to reap all the amazing benefits of sports. Of course, some guidance and […]

The 9 Worst Diets to Avoid

Let’s face it: diets can be a real pain. They’re often restrictive, confusing, and downright boring. They promise quick and easy results but can leave you feeling tired, sick, and deprived. However, we keep falling for them. How do you know which diets to avoid? We’ve rounded up the 9 worst diets that not only […]

Social Media: How to Reduce Your Screen Time

You can’t disagree that we spend too much time online. Work requires us to stare at a screen all day long; then we come back home and get sucked into the social media vortex. While social media helps us communicate with friends and find inspiration in motivational blogs and videos, the amount of time we […]

Losing Weight at Home

For some of us, working from home or staying in the house to look after the family sounds like an ideal scenario. No commute, no office gossip and the chance to walk around in shorts and a T-shirt all day if we want to. But it is also a sure-fire way to pile on weight […]

The Most Extreme Workout: Murph 101

Do burpees seem not that fun anymore? Are you stuck in a cardio rut? And HIIT doesn’t make you sweat buckets anymore? Or are you a gym junkie looking for new brutal challenges? No pain, no gain, right? Brace yourself for Murph, as this CrossFit workout is believed to be the toughest – physically as […]

Passionate Thinking Will Bring You Ripped Abs

The best way to stay motivated about losing weight is not to focus on which ab workout you’re trying or which crazy diet you’re on. Don’t think about all the sacrifices you’re making by not eating that chocolate cake or missing a rerun of your favorite tv show to go on a walk. Instead focus […]